Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Assesment Project

I am studying Effective Management through the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia. I’m about half way through my course and we need to think about our final project.

I have chosen to create an event celebrating Earth Hour @ Meeka FM this coming Saturday. There are a few reasons for it…

Firstly, Meeka FM is in dire need of new members, we are running on so few now, I’m worried that if our current members burn out or leave town then we will have no one and will have to close down.

That’s such a lame reason to stop broadcasting, especially when Meeka FM has been running for over eleven years.

So if I get people down there perhaps I can start a social club or something to get people coming regularly.

Secondly, I need to put all the new skills I’ve learned about management into effect and getting people inspired to participate is the best way to do this.

So we were supposed to have a meeting yesterday but I’m pretty sure only two people were going to come and it started raining really heavy and there was a huge storm throughout the night. So I postponed till Thursday.

I hate postponing meetings, it’s so easy to do, I wish people would just put in a little extra effort to be a part of something good. The problem with being flexible to suit everyone is that everyone will have a problem with what you organize.

So I’ve put in a bit more rigidity and set the meetings for every last Tuesday of each month so people could learn the routine. It was supposed to be yesterday, but walking downtown I learned that one of our volunteers had told everyone it was on Thursday, (thanks heaps!!!)

All the emails I sent to people with the date and time got no RSVP’s and people weren’t sure! I wish people would just play follow the leader for a change.

After all, having a vision and skills to implement that vision and putting so much effort into getting the team to just get along is hard enough without having your own team sabotage it for you.

I won’t let it stop me from being a good leader though, I WILL find a way to get people volunteering and getting along, I hope this course teaches me this lol.

So the plan at this stage is to turn off allt he lights at 8pm and turn them back on again at 9pm, I have lots of little candles and cups to place around the yard for atmosphere. We are pre-loading the playlist to suit the occasion and hopefully it will be a great event and I will pass my course.

I have made a website with notices of things around town which I have placed the Earth Hour celebrations on.


outback self help said...

Hi Anita
If the people won't come to you, then go to the people.
Do a street display with application forms and examples of how creative radio can be.
Get them to commit on the spot to trying out the Meeka FM sign them up to a time slot. Obligation can stimulate commitment & interest when shown the tools.
hold your head high and don't give up.
Be inspired

Anita Seery's Passions Inspired

My photo
Meekatharra, Western Australia, Australia
Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you take the time to add your thoughts to it and inspire me some more. I hope also that you can find some inspiration from what i have to say. I am always asking people to tell me their dreams, often in hearing what other people want from life we can expand our own boundaries and achieve more than what we had ever wished for in life.